Saturday , July 27 2024


Styling the first div within an ID or Class with CSS

Divs are an essential component of any website. They help to structure the content and create a visual hierarchy that makes it easy for users to navigate. In CSS, divs are styled by their class or ID attribute.However, it’s not always straightforward to style the first div within an ID …

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Creating Basic and Advanced Shapes with Pure CSS

Shapes with Pure CSS

CSS is a powerful tool for designing and styling web pages. One of its many capabilities is the ability to create shapes, from simple circles and squares to more complex polygons and curves. In this article, we’ll explore how to create both basic and advanced shapes using only CSS. Let’s …

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Disable Click Event Using CSS

CSS is not designed to handle event listeners, so it is not possible to disable the click event using CSS alone. Event listeners are handled by JavaScript, which is a separate programming language. However, you can achieve a similar effect with CSS using the pointer-events property. This property specifies whether …

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Adding Infinite-loop Bounce Animation Effect To An Image

Insert the image tag into your HTML code, and add the “class” attribute with the value of “bounce-animate”. <img src="image.jpg" class="bounce-animate"> We will use the standard @keyframe syntax from the W3C to build the animation. However, vendor-specific prefixes (-webkit-, -moz-, -ms, and -o-) are advised to be included for the …

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